- The schedule will be published later
- Recommendations
For the oral presentations:
- The duration of an oral presentation is 10 min followed by 5 min of questions and discussions.
- The doctoral student is free to choose his or her presentation format.
- On the first page it is essential to specify:
* The Title
* The Author's identification
* The affiliation of the doctoral student (laboratory, team...)
* The name(s) of the thesis director(s)/supervisor(s).
Oral presentations must be sent no later than 12/06 at 12 pm to the following address:
For the poster presentations:
The poster is the doctoral student's "business card", it gives a global idea of the work carried out in a concise but above all attractive way! For that, the scientific content must be perfectly readable and accessible to an audience composed of PhD students and teacher-researchers of all disciplines of the ED MASTIC, and presented in a way to arouse curiosity and thus the desire to know more...
- For the JDOC 2024 posters, the A1 format is fixed. It is essential to specify:
* The Title
* The Author's identification
* The affiliation of the doctoral student (laboratory, team...)
* The name(s) of the thesis director(s)/supervisor(s).
- The choice of: fonts, colors, font size, images etc. is up to the good taste of the PhD student.